How much we are protected? A question, still unanswered by any intellectual! We are as much secure as a cat under shade in a monsoon rainy day! The answer to this depends upon: whom we are asking this question. If we are asking this question to a bureaucrat who has just earned some dimes by awarding a project to his apply eyes will say that we are more secure than ever before. If we ask the same question to a politician who is in favor of sending troops to other countries for war; he would say: We have imminent threat of terrorism from our enemy and we are not safe till we fight and kill our last enemy on the face of the earth. So, opportunists remain in search of any opportunity which can fulfill their lust.

Adam Smith in his famous book ‘Wealth of Nations’ discussed the presence and cunning game playing of ‘’invisible hand’’. That same invisible hand is still in progress. We remain unable to recognize that Invisible hand because it keeps on reshaping and redefining itself. Behind every conflict, behind every fight, behind every revolution, behind every war, behind every drought, behind every market crash, and behind every economic meltdown we find an ‘’invisible hand’’.

That same invisible hand which played its part in World Wars in the history is still trying to jeopardize the peace of the world. The disaster starts when all evil powers start uniting for one cause; cause of destruction of humanity. As mutuality of interests brings people closer; many invisible hands have hands in gloves to fulfill their unethical agenda. The irony of humanity is that they are still unaware of a very big but secret alliance around them. 
Some people regard these invisible hands as Big Corporations and others regard them secret societies but the fact of the matter is the intensity and numbering of them is far greater than our expectation and imagination. Yes it is true that big corporations use whatever means available in their grasp to accomplish their tasks but they are only a very small part of these invisible hands.

Without knowing your enemy fully and properly you cannot win against it. Invisible hand cannot accomplish its task without our help. So, when we are telling a stranger or a friend about our own ideas, thoughts, and opinions; we are either providing the strength to that invisible hand or helping it to know us properly. This is requested to you that please share or submit your opinion only there where they matter the most. Adopt methods of communication which are reliable and under your command. I know this is no easy task to perform and you will remain fragmented till you understand the difference between reality and verticality but for the sake of peace it is a must. This act of your will ensure your understanding of Invisible hand to become visible.

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